Miuccia Prada once said that “fashion is an instant language” so it’s not surprising that fashion is one where we try to explore to transform and unlock the next world. How to stay in style when it comes to fashion has been a riddle for lot of women who do not know what to buy ,where or how. Personalization has become one of the must haves and sustainable brands are the next normal. A brand should feel like a community. Maluraah focus on what we all have in common instead of our differences, a laudable sense of belonging.

Maluraah is a digital enterprise encompassing women’s clothing. All the clothes are designed, stitched, handworked and embroidered with great care and close monitoring and we always use the best quality materials.

Nothing is as gratifying as giving a person the best and the most professional experience they will ever have, by being 100% on top of things.


Amalu Thomas started designing clothes and associates as a hobby which later became a passion. When we ask her what’s the point of whole fashion thing she has an explicit answer. “Joy! That’s the purpose of fashion. The joy of wearing something that makes you feel powerful or beautiful or in control. It’s not about feeling less than – less cool, less rich, less skinny. It’s about what makes you feel better.”Since 2015 she wanted to turn this passion into her career of becoming a designer and entrepreneur. The world of designing, especially Indian style has always enthralled her. The cultural influence and backstory has been used to embrace and celebrate tradition. This is what gets reflected in her fashion statement!

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